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For the purposes of this policy, “Personal Information” means information that specifically identifies a member as an individual and is provided to, or collected by, TLOMA. Personal Information, however, does not include your name, business title or business contact information in your capacity as an employee of a member-firm or an individual member of TLOMA.


Your business contact information is available to members of TLOMA as part of the networking opportunity that the association provides. The association will not sell or otherwise make available such information to vendors or other outside parties unless it is within the normal course of our activities, such as providing a list of conference attendees to those vendors that support our annual conference. Members are required to maintain confidentiality with respect to the business or personal contact information for other members.

The Board of Directors will take all reasonable steps to ensure that members of TLOMA comply with this membership requirement, but in no way warrants or guarantee the compliance of individual members.


  1. Home telephone and email addresses may be collected from Regular Members for internal use only. Such information may be used, for example, to advise you of the cancellation of a breakfast meeting that is cancelled at the end of the previous business day when using your business contact information will not be timely enough for our purposes.

Regular Members who are on maternity leave or during a period of unemployment will be asked to provide home addresses, home telephone numbers and personal email addresses which will be published to the membership where permission is provided.

  1. Home addresses, home telephone numbers and personal email addresses will be collected from Life Members and will be published in the membership listing for publication to the membership at large, where permission is provided.
  2. Some members of the Board of Directors of TLOMA will be asked to provide certain types of personal information if they are to have cheque signing privileges on behalf of the association. Currently, our banking institution requires photo identification such as a driver’s licence as well as a second piece of identification for all signatories on the TLOMA bank account. This information will be used for the stated purpose only.
  3. We may provide Personal Information to vendors who provide services to TLOMA, such as servicing our listserve. We will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the companies we use are in compliance with our Privacy Policy.


Your provision of Personal Information to TLOMA means that you agree and consent that TLOMA can collect, use and disclose your Personal Information in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Providing Personal Information is not required to be granted membership in TLOMA. Regular Members may elect not to provide Personal Information or ask that anything on file be destroyed.

Regular Members who are on maternity leave or during a period of unemployment may provide personal contact information for internal use only. Your permission is required to publish your Personal Information to the membership at large.

  1. Life Members must provide appropriate contact information in order to maintain membership but may withhold or withdraw their consent to publish their Personal Information to the TLOMA membership, by written notice to us.
  2. Members of the Board of Directors may choose not to provide the Personal Information required for banking purposes, directly to TLOMA. In such circumstances, such individuals may decline to be a signing officer on the TLOMA bank account(s) or provide the required information directly to the banking institution where the account(s) are held.
  3. When providing your Personal Information to a third party it will always be to facilitate our ongoing activities and in accordance with our practices with respect to protecting your Personal Information.


On our website, we may monitor traffic patterns and site usage and we may offer links to other websites that are not governed by our Privacy Policy. Please take this into consideration when visiting the site.


TLOMA may, from time to time, review and amend privacy practices and this Privacy Policy. The most up-to-date version of our policy will be posted on our web site. Earlier versions are available by contacting our Administrator.


Any member wishing to discuss this policy should contact the TLOMA Director of Administration:

Liz Barrington
TLOMA, Director of Administration

PO Box 1029
TD Centre
Toronto, ON  M5K 2P2

Tel: 416.410.1979
Fax: 905.472.5115

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the Personal Information of our members.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to disclose the various types of information we collect and to advise you why we ask for Personal Information and how we use it. This policy also clarifies how we handle your business contact information.

Supporting Firms

  • Mills + Mills
  • hummingbird
  • Daoust_Vukovich
  • Piasetzki
  • Lenczner Slaght resized
  • O'Sullivan
  • logo_Osler_hoskin
  • MacDonald & Partners logo
  • Dentons
  • Minken Employment Lawyers logo 14aug17
  • Marks + Clerk 18may18
  • Haber Lawyers 14feb19
  • logo_cassels
  • heuristica
  • logo_norton
  • logo_sotos
  • dickinsonwright
  • Goldblatt
  • logo_oatley
  • Grosman, Gale 2nov17
  • logo_wildeboer
  • Rayman Beitchman LLP 2mar18
  • Fox Vanounou Porcelli 29aug19
  • logo_shibley
  • logo_hsh
  • Cavalluzzo LLP_Logo
  • GMA Full Name Logo
  • Rueters LLP 5mar18
  • Davies Howe
  • Simpson Wigle greyscale 26jul17
  • rogers partners
  • CLYDE + Co 2aug17
  • Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP 24feb20
  • logo_dale_and_lessmann
  • logo_giesbrecht
  • logo_keyser
  • Kormans Logo
  • member_minden_gross
  • member_hicks_morley
  • logo_guberman
  • Tupman + Bloom 3mar20
  • member_weirfoulds
  • Dueck-Sauer-Jutzi-Noll
  • logo_torys
  • WARDs Legal - grayscale
  • logo_harris-sheaffer
  • LeClair Logo
  • O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP
  • Reves Richarz LLP
  • logo_robins
  • member_torkin_manes
  • logo_sherrard
  • logo_gardiner_roberts
  • logo_smith_valeriote
  • logo_kronis
  • logo_benson
  • Blouin Dunn
  • Cumming & Partners
  • member_tgf
  • Levitt LLP Logo
  • logo_lerners
  • logo_pmlaw
  • logo_zuber
  • AUM Law Logo 22nov18
  • Loopstra Nixon logo 140w greyscale
  • SparkLaw
  • Henien Hutchison LLP
  • Harris Law Logo
  • Green + Spiegel logo 31jul17
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • logo_macdonald_sager
  • Beard Winter Logo black white - New
  • Riches McKenzie 11oct17
  • Deloitte Tax Law
  • logo_dw
  • RossMcBride
  • logo_willms_shier
  • Matthews Dinsdale 1feb19
  • logo_bereskin_parr
  • Reybroek140x60 resized
  • Stockwoods Logo
  • balesBeall
  • dutton_brock
  • Koskie Minsky
  • logo_hull_hull
  • BakerMcKenzie
  • logo_mcleish_orlando
  • logo_sokllp
  • logo_sullivan_festeryga
  • fogler-rubinoff
  • Chappell Partners Logo
  • logo_madorin
  • aviva_lawyers
  • logo_bernardi_llp_5405 (greyscale)
  • logo_chaitons
  • logo_wilson_vukelich
  • logo_ricketts_harris
  • logo_goodmans
  • logo_chappell_partners
  • Nelligan 14aug17
  • member_blg
  • logo_barriston
  • BlaneyMcMurtry
  • logo_dlapiper
  • Waddell Phillips
  • Laxton Glass
  • logo_goodmans
  • McTague Logo
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • logo_ridout
  • Giffen Lawyers
  • Gillian Hnatiw 2
  • HRG.logo
  • MillerThomson
  • Walker Head Lawyers 27sept19 - greyscale.


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