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Business Partner Testimonials

If you would like to contribute comments regarding your relationship with TLOMA, please contact TLOMA.

Cartel Inc. - 2019 Silver Sponsor

Cartel’s  relationship with TLOMA spans decades. Over the years this organization has provided a platform for us where people come together encouraging existing relationships while cultivating new ones. We are always “Singing your praises” and have referred countless smaller Law firms to TLOMA, putting people in touch with one another. “Why reinvent the wheel when TLOMA’s answers are readily available.”

Each of our Employment Consultants have a 10-30 year history at Cartel. Our clients are now sending the next generation, their families to us. We are proud to be considered one of the longest standing Business Partners with TLOMA. Our relationship with our clients is based on a foundation of Trust and mutual respect. Thank you TLOMA for placing your trust in us.

Branch Office Services - 2019 Trade Show Participant

Branch Office Services has worked with TLOMA and its members for many years.  The Annual Conference provides a truly unique opportunity for us to have meaningful business conversations with the leaders of dozens of law firms in one location.   Being able to participate in the Business Partner Trade Show each conference allows for us to not only market our services to new prospective clients but also allows us the opportunity to support the legal community….to whom we owe so much for their continued support of us.  The TLOMA conference has always been a great experience and one that we look forward to each and every year.   Not only is it good for business but it is also a fun event with great people. 

Supporting Business partners

  • Facility Plus 2024
  • Compugen 19mar20
  • Cartel Inc._2/7/2018 10:21:56 PM
  • netex
  • Saul Good Gift Co. 31oct19
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • dealcloser_logo_CMYK (002)
  • RICOH_1
  • Surgically Clean Air 6sept19
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • ASCA 4jul18
  • HAYS sep2023
  • Advanced - Previously Tikit
  • SmartPrint 9aug21
  • PACE Technical 20sep23
  • The Hiring Partner.2013
  • BMC Networks Inc. 4jun21
  • HUB 9feb22
  • LexCloud-Hi-Res-Tag (00052950x9D842) (002)
  • Korbitec-Logo-on-Blue-Pantone
  • Forge Recruitment 26mar19
  • Supon Logo July 2021
  • ion (2)
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • WilsonAllen 16may19
  • InteriorCare_1
  • TitanFile
  • Armour Cybersecurity - 5aug21
  • Southwest Bindings
  • QRX
  • AMJ Campbell
  • introhive - karen
  • Epiq 7jan20