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If you would like to book an advertisement to correspond with your article or place an advertisement on the TLOMA website contact

NOTE:  TLOMA does not provide Attendee Lists as part of the event sponsorship packages.


Theres No Place Like and TLOMAToday support legal professionals in meeting the challenges of managing a law firm through timely articles, tips, events, careers, news and best practices on a wide variety of issues. TLOMAToday is an e-publication that is delivered ten times per year via email to our over more than 239 law firms throughout Canada, as well as to our Business Partners, and is also posted on where members can access articles and view advertising for years to come.


TLOMA.COM and TLOMAToday are the places to connect with the key decision makers at more than 239 law firms. Nowhere else can you reach the key contacts for information technology, marketing, finance, human resources and facilities all in one place. More than just a captive audience, this group of key influencers and decision makers truly want to discover what your business can do for their firm.



Over 239 law firms whose key decision makers and leaders in law firms are responsible for managing the business – facilities, administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, consultants and lawyers with the responsibility of managing their law office without support – as well as over 500 legal product and service providers.



  • Avg. 11,000+ sessions per month
  • 4,600 monthly users
  • 43,000 monthly page views


  • Ten times per year


The NEW TLOMAToday will get your article out in front of over 239 law firms throughout Canada who are key decision makers and leaders in law firms– facilities, administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing and lawyers with the responsibility of managing their law office without support – as well as over 500 legal product and service providers every month.

What to Send:

  • Articles – Please provide the article in Word format. It should be no longer than 1,000 words in length. The Article must have educational value to our members and cannot be written as an advertorial.
  • Author Bio – Please provide an author byline/bio to be included at the footer of the article. This can include a short description of the author, the company, contact info and link to a website and email address.
  • Author Image – Please provide an image of the author. The image should be 180px Wide by 250px Tall (APPROXIMATE) and should be provided as a JPG. Please include the author's first and last name in file name e.g. firstname_lastname.jpg.
  • Article Image – The content may be enhanced by including a corresponding image to the copy Images should be supplied as 900px Wide by 300px Tall (EXACT) JPG or GIF files. NOTE: Image rights are the responsibility of the author submitting the article.
  • Charts and Graphics – The article can contain charts, images and graphics to be included in the body of the article. Please supply these in a JPG or GIF format. NOTE: Image rights are the responsibility of the author submitting the article and a written authorization should accompany the article.
  • Downloadable Documents – The article can include a link to a document to be downloaded. It is to be educational in nature and could be a link to further tools, a whitepaper, case study or guidelines. Please send these in a PDF format.

Submit articles for TLOMAToday to If you would like to book an advertisement to correspond with your article, contact today to confirm your issue and advertisement preferences. Bookings will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.

Editorial Deadlines

Issue Advertising/Editorial Deadline Publication/Distribution Date
December 2023 November 16, 2023 December 1, 2023
January 2024 December 8, 2023 January 5, 2024
February 2024 January 17, 2024 February 1, 2024
March 2024 February 14, 2024 March 1, 2024
April 2024 March 20, 2024 April 2, 2024
May 2024 April 17, 2024 May 1, 2024
June 2024 May 16, 2024 June 3, 2024
September 2024 August 21, 2024 September 4, 2024
October 2024 September 18, 2024 October 1, 2024
November 2024 October 16, 2024 November 1, 2024
December 2024 November 20, 2024 December 2, 2024

Advertising Opportunities


For the company that wants to gain top-of-mind awareness and dominate and the latest issue of TLOMAToday, your best option is “The Golden Ticket” Ad Campaign. With this opportunity you will receive:


  • A large leaderboard ad or a half-page ad on the home page of for one month
  • A premium leaderboard ad at the top of that month’s TLOMAToday email newsletter, delivered to over 800 recipients
  • An exclusive big box ad next to the issue highlights on the TLOMAToday landing page
  • The premium leaderboard ad at the top of the TLOMAToday issue page for that month
  • All ads will link to your website or special offer
TheGoldenTicket Placement


For the company that wants to make a lasting impression, we recommend our “9 to 5” Career + Article Advertising Package. This includes your ad prominently displayed as a leaderboard or half-page ad in the Career portion of, for one month, as well as within an article in TLOMAToday. Your ad will be seen for years to come as members continue to access these articles as resources. Companies can choose to purchase both top and side ads and dominate the page or be placed with another advertiser - all efforts will be made to keep competing advertisers separate. All ads will link to your website or special offer. This package includes:

  • A large leaderboard ad or half-page ad on the frequently visited Career Page for one month, as well as each job opportunity
  • A large, full-page, interruption ad that will appear as engaged readers are navigating through the web and mobile friendly publication
  • And a large leaderboard ad or half-page ad in a TLOMAToday article (always remains with article)
The9to5 Placement


proudly presents “The Red Carpet” event sponsorship. With this opportunity you will receive:


  • An exclusive email promoting your event sponsorship that includes a branded leaderboard ad, plus two reminder emails
  • Your logo on the Upcoming Events page, plus a half-page ad on the event registration page
  • An interruption ad will also be featured in TLOMAToday to promote the event
  • You will also receive a mention at the event and an opportunity to provide literature to attendees in a downloadable format
  • BP Member Spotlight in TLOMAToday Newsletter
RedCarpetEvent Placement


Ad Rates

Size Pixels per inch 1X 3X 6X

The Golden Ticket.

  • Email - 600 x 100 pixels (issue)
  • TLOMA Today Landing Page - 900 x 150 pixels (one month)
  • TLOMA Home Page and TLOMA Today Issue Page - 900 x 150 (one month)
$475 $370 $285

The 9 to 5

  • Current Opportunities Page - 900 x 150 pixels or 300 x 600 pixels (one month)
  • TLOMA Today Article - 900 x 150 pixels or 300 x 600 pixels (in perpetuity)
$475 $370 $285

Red Carpet Event

  • Email - 600 x 100 pixels (all event notifications)
  • TLOMA Event Page Ads - 300 x 600 pixels, plus your Logo (with event)
  • Your Name and Logo in Event Promo Ads (supplied by TLOMA) - 900 x 900 pixels (with event)
  • BP Member Spotlight in TLOMAToday Newsletter

  • 20% guaranteed position premium
  • Ads must run within 12 months of first insertion to receive frequency discounts
  • Rates do not include HST
  • Rates are subject to change without notice
  • Cancellations of ads will not be granted after Editorial Deadlines
  • Advertisers must pay their balance prior to submission via cheque or credit card


Advertisement Image Type Image Sizes


900px wide by 150px tall

Email Leaderboard

600px wide by 100px tall


160px wide by 600px tall


300px wide by 600px tall


300px wide by 250px tall


900px wide by 900px tall


300px wide by 300px tall

CREATIVE Technical Requirements

  • Please submit all artwork to
  • All ads will link to Advertiser’s website or special offer, please specify exact URL for link
  • Advertisers to supply final creative in GIF and animated GIF, or JPG formats
  • Colour format: RGB
  • Files must not exceed 150k
  • All advertising subject to approval of publisher

Questions? Call 416 410 1979 x2 or email

Advertise Today

To Advertise in TLOMAToday or
to place an ad on 
please call 416-410-1979 ext. 2
or email

Supporting Firms

  • Lenczner Slaght resized
  • Giffen Lawyers
  • Green + Spiegel logo 31jul17
  • logo_harris-sheaffer
  • logo_macdonald_sager
  • Cumming & Partners
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • LeClair Logo
  • Walker Head Lawyers 27sept19 - greyscale.
  • logo_dlapiper
  • heuristica
  • GMA Full Name Logo
  • logo_smith_valeriote
  • Matthews Dinsdale 1feb19
  • logo_robins
  • Rueters LLP 5mar18
  • Haber Lawyers 14feb19
  • Reybroek140x60 resized
  • logo_bereskin_parr
  • Deloitte Tax Law
  • logo_bernardi_llp_5405 (greyscale)
  • Marks + Clerk 18may18
  • aviva_lawyers
  • logo_keyser
  • Rayman Beitchman LLP 2mar18
  • Mills + Mills
  • logo_Osler_hoskin
  • Gillian Hnatiw 2
  • Dentons
  • logo_chaitons
  • McTague Logo
  • logo_dale_and_lessmann
  • logo_willms_shier
  • logo_pmlaw
  • logo_hull_hull
  • Stockwoods Logo
  • logo_sotos
  • Minken Employment Lawyers logo 14aug17
  • Tupman + Bloom 3mar20
  • dutton_brock
  • Henien Hutchison LLP
  • Beard Winter Logo black white - New
  • Laxton Glass
  • logo_wilson_vukelich
  • Daoust_Vukovich
  • Goldblatt
  • logo_madorin
  • AUM Law Logo 22nov18
  • member_torkin_manes
  • Kormans Logo
  • logo_gardiner_roberts
  • fogler-rubinoff
  • Reves Richarz LLP
  • Blouin Dunn
  • logo_mcleish_orlando
  • logo_dw
  • balesBeall
  • logo_oatley
  • Nelligan 14aug17
  • Harris Law Logo
  • logo_sherrard
  • logo_shibley
  • logo_chappell_partners
  • member_blg
  • rogers partners
  • Simpson Wigle greyscale 26jul17
  • logo_giesbrecht
  • logo_cassels
  • logo_goodmans
  • logo_goodmans
  • HRG.logo
  • logo_torys
  • logo_benson
  • Cavalluzzo LLP_Logo
  • Grosman, Gale 2nov17
  • RossMcBride
  • member_hicks_morley
  • member_weirfoulds
  • logo_wildeboer
  • logo_hsh
  • Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP 24feb20
  • logo_ricketts_harris
  • logo_barriston
  • logo_sokllp
  • Fox Vanounou Porcelli 29aug19
  • logo_kronis
  • WARDs Legal - grayscale
  • MillerThomson
  • logo_lerners
  • member_minden_gross
  • CLYDE + Co 2aug17
  • member_tgf
  • Davies Howe
  • logo_guberman
  • Chappell Partners Logo
  • logo_norton
  • logo_ridout
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • Loopstra Nixon logo 140w greyscale
  • O'Sullivan
  • dickinsonwright
  • logo_sullivan_festeryga
  • BlaneyMcMurtry
  • Dueck-Sauer-Jutzi-Noll
  • Levitt LLP Logo
  • BakerMcKenzie
  • Koskie Minsky
  • hummingbird
  • Waddell Phillips
  • O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP
  • Piasetzki
  • MacDonald & Partners logo
  • SparkLaw
  • logo_zuber
  • Riches McKenzie 11oct17


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