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Workshop 1B: The Future Is Now: Building Tomorrow’s Law Firm Today

Thu, Sep 27, 2018
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
[Choose between Workshop 1A or 1B]

Speaker(s): Jordan Furlong

Location: Grand Event AB

Clients are more demanding and sophisticated than ever; competitors have grown more aggressive and innovative. The market for legal services is transforming beyond the ability of traditional law firms to recognize or defend. Your firm must prepare to be transformed as well.

Jordan Furlong, a leading analyst of the global legal market, will describe the changes to your competitive environment and provide a practical, 12-point guide to your firm’s adaptation to these new market conditions. From analytics to AI, from quality metrics to outcome tracking, from compensation plans to culture strategies, this session will outline your path to building tomorrow’s law firm today.

Who will benefit from this session:

  • General/Management
  • Facilities
  • Finance
  • HR
  • IT
  • Marketing 

Firm Size:

  • Small <20 Lawyers
  • Medium 20 – 50 Lawyers
  • Large >50 Lawyers 

Supporting Business partners

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  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
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  • Graycon IT
  • BigHand.2016
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • Cannon
  • Supon Logo July 2021
  • Southwest Bindings
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • Konica Minolta
  • Triella Logo with Slogan
  • ImperialCoffee_2015
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  • Lavazza Professional 30apr19
  • Spacesaver Solutions.2018
  • Purves Redmond 30aug18
  • Supreme-logo-2015
  • The Hiring Partner.2013
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  • proserveit.2015
  • Southwest Bindings
  • mrcase logo 7feb18
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  • HQ Network Solutions.2017
  • Tracument
  • Muldoons 2022
  • CanadianProcessServing.2011
  • Thomson Reuters
  • SmartPrint 9aug21
  • Digitcom Telecommunications
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  • People Corp 9feb18
  • AMJ Campbell
  • ImperialCoffee_2015
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  • Kent Legal