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Closing Keynote:
Fostering Civility in the Workplace

Sat, Sep 29, 2018
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Speaker(s): Bob Presner | Lola Rasminsky

Location: Grand Event AB

How can we bring out the best in our colleagues – and in ourselves? How much does incivility hurt a company’s bottom line? Can one person really make positive changes that affect the whole organization? 

This interactive Beyond the Box™ workshop will create 'aha' moments for participants, by getting you to recognize how, unwittingly, you might be contributing to a lack of congeniality in your workplace. Equally participants will learn how everyone can take a leadership role in creating a civil workplace ecosystem that encourages mutual respect.

Participants in this interactive and fun 90-minute session will experience new approaches to communicating, and listening, in more positive ways. 

  • Become more sensitive to body language, tone of voice, and the difference between communicating in a supportive manner, compared with an unsupportive way;
  • Learn new ways of staying open to the ideas of others, by showing a more curious attitude, and by gaining the ability to 'reframe' challenges.
  • Walk away from the workshop with tools and resolve to change at least one behaviour when you return to work.

Who will benefit from this session:

  • General/Management
  • Facilities
  • Finance
  • HR
  • IT
  • Marketing 

Firm Size:

  • Small <20 Lawyers
  • Medium 20 – 50 Lawyers
  • Large >50 Lawyers 

Supporting Business partners

  • Korbitec-Logo-on-Blue-Pantone
  • Cannon
  • ILCO
  • Tracument
  • Lavazza Professional 30apr19
  • logo_Cubicle_Fugitive
  • PRL-High-res
  • Thomson Reuters
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  • HUB 9feb22
  • The Hiring Partner.2013
  • Xerox_1
  • Konica Minolta
  • ImperialCoffee_2015
  • Digitcom Telecommunications
  • BigHand.2016
  • Cartel Inc._2/7/2018 10:21:56 PM
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • Graycon IT
  • Advanced - Previously Tikit
  • Supon Logo July 2021
  • Kent Legal
  • SmartPrint 9aug21
  • Greenfrog Construction 6jul18
  • Ghostpractice - May 2023
  • CN Tower Logo - 19aug22
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  • Southwest Bindings
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  • DocuDavitSolutions_Logo
  • NearZeroDiscovery-Transparent-Dark-PwrdBy-3181x1605
  • QRX
  • RecordXpress Logo PNG (002)
  • HQ Network Solutions.2017
  • AMJ Campbell
  • PACE Technical 20sep23
  • HAYS sep2023
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • Supreme-logo-2015
  • InteriorCare_1
  • proserveit.2015
  • Staples_Advantage
  • Panasonic
  • ASCA 4jul18
  • mrcase logo 7feb18
  • People Corp 9feb18
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • PaayaTech-logo-Final
  • Vivreau
  • CanadianProcessServing.2011
  • GlobalPayments_Wordmark_CMYK
  • TitanFile
  • Muldoons 2022
  • Spacesaver Solutions.2018
  • Southwest Bindings
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • RICOH_1
  • Iron Mountain 2024 logo
  • ImperialCoffee_2015
  • Triella Logo with Slogan