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Plenary Session 1 - Skills for Healthy Interpersonal Relationships Post-Covid

Thu, Sep 22, 2022
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM

Speaker(s): Eden Dales

Location: Grand Event Room

An overview of basic cognitive behavioural therapy skills for stress management, mood management and interpersonal relationships.  Eden will look at common stressors post-pandemic experienced by adults (parenting, marital stress, friendships, family dynamics, supporting others struggling with mental health or addictions, support for individuals relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms).  She will also identify red flags to be aware of in distinguishing between anxiety and pandemic stress.

She will then offer tools for healthy relationships including successful and healthy conflict resolution, communication skills and tools for demonstrating empathy and support to others and selfcare. Along with education on healthy boundaries for self-care, stress management, mood regulation and successful relationships at work and home.

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