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Plenary Session 1 - Leading Change by Engaging Others

Tue, Sep 28, 2021
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker(s): Jodi Ziglestein-Yip

Location: Main Stage | Premium BP to Introduce and Thank Speaker

Every organization experiences change, however, the rate of change and how we experience change has significantly changed in the last two years.  More importantly how we lead change and engage others in our journey is more critical than ever before.

This session is designed to equip you with tools and techniques to lead change by engaging your team.  We will be focusing on the principles of John Kotter’s Leading Change work to discuss how we drive strategy, energy, enthusiasm and results. 

Supporting Business partners

  • Lavazza Professional 30apr19
  • CanadianProcessServing.2011
  • BigHand.2016
  • Konica Minolta
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • ILCO
  • RICOH_1
  • Forge Recruitment 26mar19
  • AConsulting
  • OPC
  • Digitcom Telecommunications
  • netex
  • People Corp 9feb18
  • PACE Technical 20sep23
  • Grip IT
  • Vivreau
  • Cannon
  • Access Logo31july19
  • Dye & Durham (2) 2023
  • Cartel Inc._2/7/2018 10:21:56 PM
  • hanlinca
  • Spacesaver Solutions.2018
  • The Hiring Partner.2013
  • InteriorCare_1
  • Kent Legal
  • RSM Logo
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • Surgically Clean Air 6sept19
  • CN Tower Logo - 19aug22
  • Advanced - Previously Tikit
  • Thomson Reuters
  • Jelly Marketing.12March19
  • Soluno with AS
  • logo_Cubicle_Fugitive
  • Neopost 2019
  • ZSA_1
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • scalar-WeDeliverIT_black 140x71
  • HUB 9feb22
  • Premier
  • Iron Mountain 2024 logo
  • Supreme-logo-2015
  • Staples_Advantage
  • HQ Network Solutions.2017
  • Southwest Bindings
  • bluArc 26mar19
  • eSentire.logo.2016
  • SmartPrint 9aug21
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • McLuchan 21aug, 2019
  • Aria Benefits 4jun19
  • Korbitec-Logo-on-Blue-Pantone
  • HAYS sep2023
  • Pace Technical Services
  • NCOGrenville-new-logo(3242x1026)3
  • Tracument
  • Muldoons 2022
  • Compugen 19mar20
  • AMJ Campbell
  • Ghostpractice - May 2023
  • LighthouseLegalSoftware.30april19
  • ImperialCoffee_2015
  • ASCA 4jul18
  • Panasonic
  • NearZeroDiscovery-Transparent-Dark-PwrdBy-3181x1605
  • Aria Benefits 4jun19
  • TitanFile
  • ImagOn Print 16sept19
  • RecordXpress Logo PNG (002)
  • PRL-High-res
  • QRX